Dirlist class provides a quick and easy way of showing entries in a directory. It features lots of control attributes, many of them known from the popular asl file requester. This class is *not* intended to replace asl.library! Nobody wants to see every MUI application coming with another selfmade file requester. Please continue using ASL for real file requesting purposes! However, sometimes it may be useful to have a little directory list placed somewhere in your user interface. Imagine an answering machine tool that stores incoming calls in a preconfigured directory. Using a dirlist object, you can include the GUI for selecting a call in your window with lots of other gadgets like "Play", "Delete", etc. Dirlist class offers all of a files attributes: name, size, date, time, flags and comment. Using the MUIA_List_Format attribute, you can control which of them shall be displayed. If you want to read the entries of your directory, just send the dirlist object a MUIM_List_GetEntry method. You will receive a pointer to a struct FileInfoBlock which remains valid until your next call to MUIM_List_GetEntry.
Attribute Ver ISG Type ----------------------------------- --- --- -------------------- MUIA_Dirlist_AcceptPattern V4 IS. STRPTR MUIA_Dirlist_Directory V4 ISG STRPTR MUIA_Dirlist_DrawersOnly V4 IS. BOOL MUIA_Dirlist_FilesOnly V4 IS. BOOL MUIA_Dirlist_FilterDrawers V4 IS. BOOL MUIA_Dirlist_FilterHook V4 IS. struct Hook * MUIA_Dirlist_MultiSelDirs V6 IS. BOOL MUIA_Dirlist_NumBytes V4 ..G LONG MUIA_Dirlist_NumDrawers V4 ..G LONG MUIA_Dirlist_NumFiles V4 ..G LONG MUIA_Dirlist_Path V4 ..G STRPTR MUIA_Dirlist_RejectIcons V4 IS. BOOL MUIA_Dirlist_RejectPattern V4 IS. STRPTR MUIA_Dirlist_SortDirs V4 IS. LONG MUIA_Dirlist_SortHighLow V4 IS. BOOL MUIA_Dirlist_SortType V4 IS. LONG MUIA_Dirlist_Status V4 ..G LONG
Method Ver ----------------------------------- --- MUIM_Dirlist_ReRead V4
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_AcceptPattern -- (V4 ) [IS.], STRPTR FUNCTIONS Entries not matching this pattern are rejected. Note that the pattern has to be parsed with dos.library/ParsePatternNoCase(). SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_RejectPattern, MUIA_Dirlist_FilterDrawers
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_Directory -- (V4 ) [ISG], STRPTR FUNCTION Set a new directory for the dirlist object. Since reading a directory can take a long long time, MUI delegates this work to a sub task. Setting this attribute causes the object to clear the current directory (if any) and start loading a new one. MUIA_Dirlist_Status will be set to MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Reading and the sub task will be launched. By listening to MUIA_Dirlist_Status, you can learn if the directory reading is completed or if something went wrong. A value of NULL just clears the current directory and sets MUIA_Dirlist_Status to MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Invalid. EXAMPLE set(dirobj,MUIA_Dirlist_Directory,"zyxel:incoming"); SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_Status
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_DrawersOnly -- (V4 ) [IS.], BOOL FUNCTION Indicate whether you only want drawers to be displayed. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, MUIA_Dirlist_FilesOnly
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_FilesOnly -- (V4 ) [IS.], BOOL FUNCTION Indicate whether you only want files to be displayed. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, MUIA_Dirlist_DrawersOnly
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_FilterDrawers -- (V4 ) [IS.], BOOL FUNCTION Indicate whether you want drawers matched agains MUIA_Dirlist_RejectPattern and MUIA_Dirlist_AcceptPattern. Defaults to FALSE. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_RejectPattern, MUIA_Dirlist_AcceptPattern
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_FilterHook -- (V4 ) [IS.], struct Hook * FUNCTIONS A hook to call for each file encountered. If the function returns TRUE, the file is included in the file list, otherwise it is rejected and not displayed. The function receives the following parameters: A0 - (struct Hook *) - the hook itself A1 - (struct ExAllData *) - valid upto ed_Comment A2 - (Object *) - the dirlist object All other filter attributes are ignored when a MUIA_Dirlist_FilterHook is set. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_Directory
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_MultiSelDirs -- (V6 ) [IS.], BOOL FUNCTIONS Allows multi selection of directories. Defaults to FALSE. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_FilterDrawers
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_NumBytes -- (V4 ) [..G], LONG FUNCTION When MUIA_Dirlist_Status is MUIV_Dirlist_Valid, you can obtain the number of bytes occupied by the directory from this tag. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_NumFiles, MUIA_Dirlist_NumDrawers
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_NumDrawers -- (V4 ) [..G], LONG FUNCTION When MUIA_Dirlist_Status is MUIV_Dirlist_Valid, you can obtain the number of drawers in the displayed directory from this tag. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_NumFiles, MUIA_Dirlist_Status
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_NumFiles -- (V4 ) [..G], LONG FUNCTION When MUIA_Dirlist_Status is MUIV_Dirlist_Valid, you can obtain the number of files in the displayed directory from this tag. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_NumDrawers, MUIA_Dirlist_Status
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_Path -- (V4 ) [..G], STRPTR FUNCTION When MUIA_Dirlist_Status is MUIV_Dirlist_Valid and you have an active entry in the list (MUIA_List_Active not equal MUIV_List_Active_Off), you will receive a pointer to the complete path specification of the selected file. Otherwise you get a NULL. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_Status
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_RejectIcons -- (V4 ) [IS.], BOOL FUNCTION Indicate whether you want icons (*.info files) to be rejected. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_Directory
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_RejectPattern -- (V4 ) [IS.], STRPTR FUNCTIONS Entries matching this pattern are rejected. Note that the pattern has to be parsed with dos.library/ParsePatternNoCase(). SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_AcceptPattern, MUIA_Dirlist_FilterDrawers
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_SortDirs -- (V4 ) [IS.], LONG SPECIAL INPUTS MUIV_Dirlist_SortDirs_First MUIV_Dirlist_SortDirs_Last MUIV_Dirlist_SortDirs_Mix FUNCTION Adjust the place where directories shall be displayed. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_SortHighLow, MUIA_Dirlist_SortType
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_SortHighLow -- (V4 ) [IS.], BOOL FUNCTION Indicate if you want to sort your directory reversely. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_SortType, MUIA_Dirlist_SortDirs
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_SortType -- (V4 ) [IS.], LONG SPECIAL INPUTS MUIV_Dirlist_SortType_Name MUIV_Dirlist_SortType_Date MUIV_Dirlist_SortType_Size FUNCTION Indicate what fields should be used as sort criteria. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_SortDirs, MUIA_Dirlist_SortHighLow
NAME MUIA_Dirlist_Status -- (V4 ) [..G], LONG SPECIAL INPUTS MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Invalid MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Reading MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Valid FUNCTION Read the status of the dirlist object. The result is one of MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Invalid: object contains no valid directory. MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Reading 1: object is currently reading a new directory. MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Valid 2 object contains a valid directory. SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_Directory
NAME MUIM_Dirlist_ReRead (V4 ) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Dirlist_ReRead); FUNCTIONS Force the dirlist object to reread the current directory. EXAMPLE if (NewCallReceived()) DoMethod(dirlistobj,MUIM_Dirlist_ReRead); SEE ALSO MUIA_Dirlist_Directory
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